Since 1964, the Hellenic Cosmetic, Toiletry & Perfumery Association PSVAK has been representing the cosmetics, perfumes, and personal care industry in Greece. It is the meeting point for cooperation of the cosmetic enterprises to maintain, improve and develop the cosmetic sector, while contributing to the economic and social well-being of the country.
1. Scope
The cosmetics industry contributes to individual and social well-being. PSVAK and cosmetic enterprises cooperate for the development and maintenance of a competitive and worthy entrepreneurship in Greece, based on timeless values, the promotion of the most favorable economic and legal working environment and the adoption of best practices so that consumers continuously benefit from innovative, safe, and effective products.
2. Mission
- Protects and promotes the financial and professional interests of its members.
- Contributes to the development of solidarity and mutual aid among members.
- Cooperates with national and European authorities whose regulatory acts affect the industry.
- Discusses matters of mutual interest with other stakeholders, organizations, and associations.
- Constantly informs its members about developments in the field of cosmetics (science, technology, market, law) in Greece and the world.
Monitors sectorial policies, and attends business events as a representative of its member
Develops industry positions and opinions and contributes to public or targeted consultations
Organizes Informative Events and Days on Cosmetics
Informs its members about the developments in the industry