Dear All,
The cosmetics industry in Greece has managed to remain healthy and strong, after a decade of financial crisis and 3 years of pandemic crisis.
PSVAK remains the official representative of the Greek Industry, consolidating its presence and continuing its activity to support its members at all levels.
PSVAK also continues its social contribution with actions and collaborations, providing sponsorships and signing memorandums of cooperation with associations of common interests, university and educational bodies involved in the sector.
We thank all our members, regular and affiliated, who support and surround PSVAK with their trust, the members of the Committees and the administrative staff of the Association who pleasantly surprise us every year with their high competence and performance.
In the new post-Covid-19 era, we believe that our industry and the networks that make it up will continue to grow. The big changes planned in Europe with the Green Deal are driving our Industry into the future. We remain optimistic, following the saying of John Kenneth Galbraith: “Economic forecasts only have the effect of increasing the credibility of astrology.”
With best regards,